Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Price Of Drugs According to NSW Police

A big distribution operation was busted in New South Wales Australia this week. Cops found cannabis, Ecstacy, Cocaine, Heroin and a whole shitload of cash. The cops were happy because they thought they'd busted a BIG OPERATION.

Getting to the point...
According to the quoted value of the drugs, the NSW Police expect people to pay:

$20 a gram for weed.
$50 for an Ecky (that's $166 a gram).
$800 for a gram of Ice.

Be fucked. I wouldn't pay $20 for a gram of weed. $15 maybe, if I was buying by the gram.
As for the other stuff, well I'm an innocent crusty old fuck. I haven't done, nor would I consider trying Ice or Eckys. Whichever way you look at it, on the wages that Aussie cops get, I'd say they'd stick with a bit of Yarndi too. Even though they are getting ripped off by their dealers.

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