Thursday, January 28, 2010

Microsoft Paying For Ubuntu Development? One For the Geeks

I was reading another Slashdot post today. I dunno, I reckon it's more a case of Microsoft helping to pay for Ubuntu development through Yahoo! searches. Pretty prophetic stuff:

| Ubuntu Moves To Yahoo For Default Firefox Search                                             |
|   from the can-you-say-bing dept.                                                            |
|   posted by kdawson on Wednesday January 27, @08:16 (Yahoo!)                                 |
| o-For-Default-Firefox|

An anonymous reader writes "Starting in Ubuntu's Lucid Lynx release, [0]Firefox's default search engine will be switched from Google to Yahoo.
The switch was made after Canonical 'negotiated a revenue sharing deal with Yahoo.' Google will still be available as a choice. Since Yahoo search is now powered by Microsoft's Bing, this would seem to mean that Microsoft will be paying people for using Ubuntu."

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